Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Kirke.
Topics Covered* Media Exploration: Students will use a range of drawing media based on established practice. Students will develop both observational and experimental drawing skills.
* Ko Wai Au: Students will look at their local context and understanding of self in order to generate a series of works that build on the skills and knowledge gained from prior learning.
* Folio: Students will develop thematic work that applies prior knowledge and both traditional and contemporary art practice. Students will extend their skills by working sequentially to create a body of work.
* Show case: Students will create a final artwork in a medium of their choice that best represents their learning journey. The presentation of this work will support curatorial practice.
Level 1 Art
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." Pablo Picasso
In the Visual Arts, we aim to generate, analyse and extend ideas based on the influence of established practice. Studying Visual Arts is a creative journey that each individual will experience in different ways. Through the exploration of a wide range of media, techniques and processes students will find their voice and identity as a young artist. Researching and investigating inspiration from a variety of contexts and ways of working will extend both practical skills and theoretical knowledge.
We endeavour to provide a course that both stimulates ideas and challenges students technically and conceptually.
Student Learning Outcomes:
* Observation 'learning how to see', quick drawing or recording, a range of mark making techniques. Drawing using a range of media.
* Observation Skills, value range, emphasis of black. Use of wide range of mark making techniques within one medium.
* Develop and extend compositional skills. Extend use of mixed media. Extend observational skills. Extend expressive mark making. Extend art vocabulary.
* Gain confidence in abstract processes. Refine compositions by making creative decisions to enhance aesthetic qualities.
* Be a part of group collaboration.
1. Exploring Wet/Dry Media
2. Developing Ideas in Two Fields of Practice
3. Regenerating and Synthesising Ideas
Animator/Digital Artist, Mining Engineer, Holiday Park Manager, Accountant, Auditor, Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Finance Manager, Receptionist, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Sales and Marketing Manager, Survey Technician, Aeronautical Engineer, Aeroplane Pilot, Registered Nurse, Agricultural Technician, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Product Assembler, Paramedic