Craighead Diocesan School Craighead Diocesan School

Year 10 French

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms M. Rush, Mrs B. Pierce.

Topics Covered

Mon Quotidien

Get ready to describe your daily life in more detail - your passions, your favourite activities including sport, music, dance, technology, and your daily routines.  We will compare our interests to those of our friends and family.

Ma Zone

We will discover how to describe the places that mean the most to us including our bedroom, house, school, garden, suburb and town. We want to compare the way we live to how people live in France.

On Se Retrouve

We will learn the language needed to meet up with our friends and arrange a day out in Paris, including where and when we are going to meet 

Year 10 French

French is an official language in 32 countries across the world and is currently ranked 6th among the world's languages.  Forbes data suggests it will continue to grow and it will be spoken by 750 million speakers by 2050.  Because of Brexit, French is increasingly the language of choice in the European Union.  At Craighead, we believe that learning a language is a tangible way to love your neighbour.

The Year 10 French course aims to develop the communication skills gained in Year 9 and to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet some of the requirements of the NZ Curriculum, Levels 3 and 4.

