Level 2 Physical Education
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Miss K. Dawson.
Level 2 Physical Education
Outline of Course:
This course is designed to develop students’ scientific knowledge and physical skills through a combination of theory and practical activities. It will help prepare students wanting to further their study in the areas of Physical Education, Health Science, Sport and Recreation.
This course provides opportunities for leadership, as well as for both personal and social development in a range of learning experiences. Through direct experience, students will acquire knowledge and understanding about movement, about themselves and about the contribution of physical activity to a healthy life-style.
Students must have displayed a positive attitude and made reasonable progress in Physical Education at the Year 11 level. Entry to this course will be made after consultation with the Physical Education Staff. Students must have the correct School PE Uniform for this course.
Topics Covered
The course is based on the national prescription for NCEA Level 2 Physical Education and Health units of work. Achievement Standards will be offered in either a Sport or Outdoor Education context.
There is a balance of theory and practical work.
Subject Costs
Allow $50 for outside providers
Assessment Information
Assessment - The course will be made up of a selection of standards from those listed.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Physical Education 2.2 - Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills
Physical Education 2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training for physical activity
Physical Education 2.4 - Perform a physical activity in an applied setting
Physical Education 2.6 - Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a group
Physical Education 2.8 - Consistently demonstrate social responsibility through applying a social responsibility model in physical activity
Physical Education 2.9 - Examine the implementation and outcome(s) of a physical activity event or opportunity
Pathway Possibilities
Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Aircraft Loader, Zookeeper, Police Officer, Army Officer, Army Soldier, Building and Construction Labourer, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Flooring Installer, Podiatrist, Chiropractor, Miner/Quarry Worker, Mine/Quarry Manager, Diver, Concrete Worker, Stonemason,