Level 3 Physical Education
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Miss K. Dawson.
Level 3 Physical Education
At Craighead we aim to help students grow as 'confident, connected and involved' lifelong learners, ready to contribute to their world. Students learn that well-being is a combination of the physical, mental and emotional and social and spiritual aspects of people's lives. They learn to think critically and to make meaning of the world around them by exploring health-related and movement contexts. They learn how to bring about sustainable health-enhancing change for individuals, communities and society. At the heart of physical education is the individual and discovering who she is and what her strengths are. They Physical Education and Health Department aims to provide a programme that nurtures and empowers young women to develop their academic, physical literacy and leadership skills. Many of our students have gone on to study, or pursue careers, in health science, physical education, sport and education, sport, and education. They also excel academically and in their chosen sports.
Students must have displayed a positive attitude and made reasonable progress in Physical Education at the Years 11 and 12 level. Entry to this course will be made after consultation with the Physical Education Staff.
Topics Covered
The NCEA Level 3 Physical Education course provides learning experiences that promote an understanding of the need for a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
These learning experiences also develop the understandings and skills which underpin successful physical activity and encourage continued participation in the future.
Achievement Standards will be offered in either a Sport or Outdoor Education context, including a white water rafting trip.
Subject Costs
Allow $200 for the Rafting trip.
Assessment Information
Assessment - The course will be made up of a selection of standards as listed.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Physical Education 3.1 - Evaluate physical activity experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being
Physical Education 3.2 - Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others
Physical Education 3.4 - Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting
Physical Education 3.5 - Examine a current physical activity event, trend, or issue and its impact on New Zealand society
Physical Education 3.7 - Analyse issues in safety management for outdoor activity to devise safety management strategies
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 18
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Pathway Possibilities
Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Aircraft Loader, Zookeeper, Police Officer, Army Officer, Army Soldier, Building and Construction Labourer, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Flooring Installer, Podiatrist, Chiropractor, Miner/Quarry Worker, Mine/Quarry Manager, Diver, Concrete Worker, Stonemason,