Level 2 Digital Technology
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs K. Gray, Mr D. Hullen.
Level 2 Digital Technology
Digital Technologies are transforming how we live; shaping our homes and our workplaces; changing the way, that we interact with each other and live our everyday lives. Incorporating digital technologies into teaching and learning programmes will support young people develop the confidence and skill not only to use digital technologies (DT) but to design and build digital systems.
Year 11 Diploma - Digital Technologies
Topics Covered
Students improve their web development skills in two main areas: design conventions and data handling.
They research and apply web design conventions to improve the quality and usability of their outcomes. Then, the code they write to build their websites and web apps becomes more advanced through working with more complex data structures and databases.
The external assessment is a report written in class time in Term 4. The topic chosen from a list of computer science concepts, but is preferably artificial intelligence (this is dependent on NZQA's list of available concepts each year).
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.2 - Apply conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.4 - Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.7 - Use advanced programming techniques to develop a computer program
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.9 - Demonstrate understanding of a computer science concept
Pathway Possibilities
Animator/Digital Artist, Accounts Officer, Office Administrator, Copywriter, Air Force Aviator, Product Assembler, Business Analyst, Software Developer, Patternmaker, Building Surveyor, Architect, Architectural Technician, Archivist, Film and Video Editor, Medical Physicist, Sound Technician, Tailor/Dressmaker, Biomedical Engineer, Biomedical Technician, Naval Architect,