Level 2 Business Enterprise
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs W. Johnston.
Level 2 Business Enterprise
This course will only run if there are sufficient numbers
The study of business and commerce is about how individuals and groups of people organise, plan and act to create and develop goods and services to satisfy customers. Commerce is influenced by the cultural, ethical, environmental, political and economic conditions of the day. Issues such as sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and globalisation are central to both business and the study of business. The knowledge and skills gained in Commerce and exposure to enterprise culture, will help shape 'creative, energetic, and enterprisin' young people who will go on to contribute to New Zealand's economic future. In Commerce, students develop their understanding of business theory and practices in a range of relevant contexts, through experiential as well as theoretical approaches to learning.
Topics Covered
This course gives students the opportunity to form a company and develop a product or service to introduce to the market.
Students operate their business throughout the year and compete in the Young Enterprise Scheme.
This is a nationwide competition where students compete for prizes and have the opportunity to represent South Canterbury at the national event.
This course is suitable for Year 13 students. Year 12 students will need to be accepted by the HOD to participate in this programme.
Subject Costs
Young Enterprise Scheme membership approx. $40
Start Up Business Costs
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Business Studies 2.4 - Conduct market research for a new or existing product
Business Studies 2.6 - Carry out, review and refine a business activity within a community context with guidance
Generic Technology 2.1 - Undertake brief development to address an issue
Pathway Possibilities
Sales Representative, Accountant, Auditor, Finance Manager, Receptionist, Advertising Specialist, Sales and Marketing Manager, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Retail Manager, Insurance Loss Adjuster, Bank Worker, Farmer/Farm Manager, Property Manager, Buyer, Contact Centre Worker, Motor Vehicle Salesperson, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Insurance Claims Officer, Communications Professional, Event Manager,