Year 11 Diploma History
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Hull, Mrs W. Johnston.
Year 11 Diploma - History
"The reason for teaching History is not that it changes society, but it changes pupils; it changes what they see in the world, and how they see it." (Peter Lee)
In History, we aspire to empower students to shape the narratives of the past and will encourage students to find the threads that connect us as New Zealanders to the rich history of the world. As other leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Te Whiti o Rongomai challenged the status quo, so too shall we encourage students to question, investigate and theorise. The study of History is therefore, not merely a quest for knowledge, it is an exploration that will ignite your curiosity and spark your imagination. We endeavour to create a course that students can have a voice in, to develop their sense of New Zealand's place in the world. An awareness of History will hopefully inspire students to become confident, inquisitive, and empathetic individuals.
Student Learning Outcomes:
* Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of key historical events in NZ and International history.
* Students will be able to develop appropriate historical questions that demonstrate understanding of key historical concepts such as causation, perspectives, and significance
* Students will demonstrate historical thinking through analysis of concepts
* Students will be able to present historical analysis and arguments in a clear written/oral form and a display board
* Students will demonstrate their ability to research primary and secondary sources through the presentation of a research portfolio
Topics Covered
* The Otago Gold Rush - Field Trip
* Invasion of Parihaka
* NZ and International Events
* 1981 Springbok Tour
* Dawn Raids
* Nuclear Free NZ
* Black Civil Rights USA
* Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History
Assessment Information
1. Examination of Historical Concepts - Significance to NZ2. Examination of Primary Sources - Birmingham Campaign
3. Research/Report - Central Otago Gold Rush Period
4. Examination - Essay- Historical Event/Person
Pathway Possibilities
Animator/Digital Artist, Air Force Officer, Archivist, Army Officer, Army Soldier, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Historian, Artist, Artistic Director, Barrister, Minister of Religion, Graphic Designer, Interior Designer, Conservator, Legal Executive, Solicitor, Judge, Curator, Workplace Relations Adviser, Records Adviser,