Year 10 Digital Technology
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs K. Gray, Mr D. Hullen.
Year 10 Digital Technology
Digital Technology gives students the chance to create a range of digital designs using the Adobe Creative Suite and 3D modelling software. Students learn design concepts involving aesthetics and usability, and techniques for creating high quality outcomes.
Digital Technology gives students the chance to build multidisciplinary projects using skills in construction, electronics, coding and user experience. Students also build a website using HTML and CSS that reflects on the process. The programme builds on knowledge and skills learnt in Year 9 Digital Technology.
Topics Covered
Terms 1 and 2:
Project Focus - Design includes:
* Graphic Design
* Film Making
* 3D Modelling
* UI/UX Design
Terms 3 and 4:
Project Focus - Build includes:
* Engineering
* Electronics
* Web Coding
* UI/UX Design
Subject Costs
Purchase a yearly Creative Cloud licence (approx. $8 organised as a user licence through the school's Adobe account) this will be charged to your account.
Assessment Information
* Ongoing assessment throughout the Terms by submission of skills tasks and portfolios handed in at the end of units of work.* All skills taught at this level leads on to the Year 11 Diploma and beyond.
Pathway Possibilities
Animator/Digital Artist, Accounts Officer, Office Administrator, Copywriter, Air Force Aviator, Product Assembler, Business Analyst, Software Developer, Patternmaker, Building Surveyor, Architect, Architectural Technician, Archivist, Film and Video Editor, Medical Physicist, Sound Technician, Tailor/Dressmaker, Biomedical Engineer, Biomedical Technician, Naval Architect,