Year 10 Agriculture and Horticulture

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Smillie.

Year 10 Agriculture and Horticulture

Learning in Agricultural and Horticultural Science develops students' understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of the growing environment, which includes people, soils, water, climate, plants and animals.  The subject provides valuable opportunities for hands-on practical work that will help ākonga appreciate the growing environment.  

Topics Covered

This course may include:

* Practical activities including plant propagation, soil investigations, compost and worm farming and growing vegetables

* Investigations into different physical and market factors affecting where primary produce can be grown around New Zealand

* Research into the different primary industries of New Zealand

* A field trip to a local primary industry

* Introduction to soil science and animal management

Subject Costs

Field trip will incur a small cost. Will vary depending on numbers and where we go.

Assessment Information

Plant Propagation Practical Assessment
Research and Presentation Task
End of Topic Test