Year 10 Business Enterprise and Financial Capability

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. McNaught.

Year 10 Business Enterprise and Financial Capability

This course focuses on Innovation, Business Enterprise, Consumerism and Financial Capability.  Over the year, students will cover the following:

* Opportunity to explore Banqer, a digital financial education platform

* Focus on innovation in business

* Sustainability and consumerism in fashion

* Discover the entrepreneur within themselves by creating a product to sell at Market Day

Topics Covered

Students taking part will:

* Source and manage their start-up capital                            * Play the Stock Market

* Prepare a financial plan                                                       * Visit a second hand clothing store when we explore fast fashion

* Calculate profit and create an income statement                 * Create a CV (Curriculum Vitae)

* Understand the economic problem and how to apply this to their consumer decisions

* Choose a career

Subject Costs

Each student will be expected to contribute some 'start up capital' towards their Market Day Business of approximately $25.00, as well as towards a fashion item from a second hand clothing store, approximately $15.00

Assessment Information

Social Action, Business Plan and Evaluation